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10 quick questions with... Pavel Kubíček

18/1/2021 | Horsefeathers / Renata

We are introducing you a new series of short blogs called 10 quick questions with ... There is more than enough of seriousness everywhere out there. And that's why we decided to supply you with a quality arsenal of bizarre information about your favorite riders that you probably didn't even know you needed to know. Until now. Here are 10 quick questions with ...

In the previous article 10 quick questions with ... we asked Hanuš Salz, one of the founders of Horsefeathers. However, as already announced, the Horsefeathers brand has two founders, and the other one is Pavel Kubíček, whom we asked this time. Pavel has a birthday today, so before we start, we wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LOTS OF POWDER AND LOTS OF THE DAYS SPENT IN THE MOUNTAINS!

So here we go...


1. Coffee / Tea?  Coffee

2. On the walk: Music / Podcast?  Music

3. On women: Sneakers / Heels?  Sneakers

4. Book / Movie?  Movie

5. Eat in a restaurant / Cook at home?  In the "mom" restaurant 

6. What is your favorite way to prepare eggs?  Sunny Side Up

7. The best advice you've ever received?  Everything bad is good for something

8. Do you know how to filet a fish?  Yes

9. The strangest talent you have ever discovered?  I'm still discovering

10. One thing you wouldn't survive a day without?  The air

Pavel Kubíček

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