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10 quick questions with... Adam Adamski

17/3/2021 | Horsefeathers / Renata

We are introducing you a series of short blogs called 10 quick questions with... There is more than enough of seriousness everywhere out there. And that's why we decided to supply you with a quality arsenal of bizarre information about your favorite riders that you probably didn't even know you needed to know. Until now. Here are 10 quick questions with...

Adam Adamski is our snowboarder from neighboring Poland. Let's have a look which fast 10 did he get, and how did he deal with them.

Adam Adamski


1. Street/Park?  Street

2. Beer/Shots?  Beer

3. Slovakia/Czech republic?  Czech Republic

4. On girls: Beautiful face/Beautiful body?  Beautiful face

5. What’s worse: Laundry/Dishes?  Dishes

6. What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?  Free Wi-Fi

7. Who is your platonic famous crush?  Beyonce :D

8. What was the worst purchase you’ve ever made?  My first "better" snowboard. I put money aside for a long time and it broke after a week. I was very pissed.

9. Do you know how to make "pierogi"?  I wouldn't be able to do without the recipe, but I know how good they taste.

10. What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?  The most creepy thing which I can imagine is when I farted and after that I realized that someone could heard it.

Follow Adam on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adam.nmd/

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