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10 quick questions with... David Vicente

5/5/2021 | Horsefeathers / Renata

We are introducing you a series of short blogs called 10 quick questions with... There is more than enough of seriousness everywhere out there. And that's why we decided to supply you with a quality arsenal of bizarre information about your favorite riders that you probably didn't even know you needed to know. Until now. Here are 10 quick questions with...

David is our Spanish rider and the founder of the DROP-IN snowboard academy in the Spanish Pyrenees. He is currently recovering from hip surgery, so we wish him a fast recovery! Here is his quick 10.

David Vicente, photo: @chio_ruiz_88

1. Riding: With music/Without music?  On one ear.

2. Meat/Vegetables?  More veggies.

3. Gym/Home workout?  Home workout is cooler.

4. Driver/Copilot?  Driver.

5. On women: Sporty style/Elegant style?  Depends of the moment.

6. What is the worst way you could spend a € 10,000 lottery prize?  The best way is on crypto’s. Worst is to put it in the bank.

7. If you lived in the ghetto, what nickname would you give yourself to increase your street credit?  Vince.

8. How many days in a row have you been in one underwear?  Maybe 10? But cleaning it every day or using swimsuit.

9. What is the weirdest thing that ever happend to you on a date?  I was I injuried and I got a tinder date. We went to a hotel and after that.. she was angry because she wanted to sleep with me and finally she escaped to another city and let me there alone with my pools out there on the peripheral.

10. What maybe a little embarrasing fact people don't know about you?  That I am studying plants and aliens. I even do my own tests and that kind of things, haha.

Follow David on Instagram:

photo: @julenojan
photo: @remeipujals
photo: @remeipujals
photo: @danielapivon
photo: @androdphoto2
photo: @andoniepelde

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