We are introducing you a series of short blogs called 10 quick questions with... There is more than enough of seriousness everywhere out there. And that's why we decided to supply you with a quality arsenal of bizarre information about your favorite riders that you probably didn't even know you needed to know. Until now. Here are 10 quick questions with...
Lada is a Czech snowboarder who has been not only our rider for a few years, but especially a great fella. Here are his 10 quick questions...
1. Popcorn/Potato chips? Potato chips.
2. Blondes/Brunettes? Blondes.
3. Gold/Silver? Gold.
4. On a party you'd rather let them: Shave your eyebrows/Dye your hair green? Dye my hair green.
5. Pineapple on pizza: Yes/No? Of course, yes.
6. The most ridiculous thing you got a note about at school? I'm a decent boy without school notes.
7. Which part of your body do you wash first in the shower? Feet.
8. One secret thing about you that you would never admit on your first date? Bodycount.
9. A celebrity you would marry if you had to? Ariana Grande.
10. The weirdest thing you could give someone as a gift? Used socks.
Follow Láďa on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladasnb/