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10 quick questions with... Tomáš Zejda

4/8/2021 | Horsefeathers / Renata

We are introducing you a series of short blogs called 10 quick questions with... There is more than enough of seriousness everywhere out there. And that's why we decided to supply you with a quality arsenal of bizarre information about your favorite riders that you probably didn't even know you needed to know. Until now. Here are 10 quick questions with...

Tomáš Zejda is a professional biker from the Czech Republic, our long-term fella, member of the HF bike team, traveler and barefoot enthusiast. A few months ago, we interviewed him and you can read here, and now he didn't escape our 10 quick questions either.

Tomáš Zejda



1. Italian cuisine/Asian cuisine?  Asian

2. Mountains/Ocean?  Mountains

3. Morning/Evening?  Morning

4. Perfect hair/Perfect teeth?  Perfect hair

5. City/Village?  Village

6. The first thing you do in the morning?  Turn of the alarm

7. What is absolutely "no go" on a first date?  To propose

8. In what worst place could you get stuck?  On the highway

9. What compliment do people give most often?  Super trick or great hair

10. How many days in a row did you spend in one underwear?  1 and then I go naked

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