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Franky Tsen: I don't partner with assholes

17/6/2020 | Horsefeathers/Renata

Franky je náš externí zaměstnanec v Asii, vášnivý milovník plzeňského piva a taktéž náš mnohaletý přítel. Má na starosti výrobu a vývoj v Asii. Pokud tě někdy zajímalo, jak to vypadá v továrnách, kde byly tvá snowboardová bunda a kalhoty vyrobeny, tak si přečti následující rozhovor!


Hello Franky, you are cooperating with Horsefeathers for quiet some time now. Can you firstly introduce yourself and tell us how did you get in touch with Horsefeathers and agreed on cooperation?

I am Franky Tsen, product manager of Treasure Master Enterprise from Taipei, Taiwan. We are garment manufacturer offering our customer a one-stop, complete product development, sourcing and manufacturing services. I met the guys from very early days of my career in textile business. I was introduced to HF in a joint project that I was partially assisting my colleague in HF project. I was keen to be part of it, because I had huge interest in ski/snowboard outerwear development. We are bonded until now since day one.


Franky Tsen
Franky checking stuff


What exactly are you in charge of in this cooperation?

I operate productions, materials sourcing and development in Asia.

Do you still remeber your first meeting with Pepe and Pavel? How did it went?

I still remember the guys left me a deep impression from first meeting which were very positive. They explained the history of HF and its brand vision and goals. They were extremely humble and passionate for their job. Apart from sharing ideas and experiences for the work. We discovered we are all beer lovers and that was one of the enormous elements to bring us to a close relationship.

Have you ever been in Pilsen, Czech republic?

For sure, many times.


Factory in which Horsefeathers outerwear is being made
Winter jackets are sewn here


How did you find it out? Did you try the famous Pilsen’s beer?

I must say Pilsner is my all time favorite larger beer. It has perfect aromas and flavors. I could never stop asking for another one refilled to my glass.

Let’s move onto the production and factories. In which countries is Horsefeathers outerwear being made?

Currently in Vietnam and Cambodia.

Can you tell us more about the factories where Horsefeathers outerwear is produced?

We only produce in modern factories where it’s fully equipped and are built to provide friendly and safe working environment.



How do they look like? When we talk about the production in Asian countries here in Europe, some people might still imagine them as a places with poor working conditions and very low salary..

I always tell people not to buy clothing which is unreasonably cheap. First, it doesn’t last and secondly it's harmful to our ecological system. If we are talking about a $10 jacket that people are buying, then we might need to expect that the workers at the bottom of the chain are not even receiving 10 cents out of it. If consumer harshly push for cheap clothes, workers must be starving down the chain. This is one thing to think about. Our factories focus on improving working conditions for a commitment to fairness, safety and respect. We have strict policy to assure and develop a supply chain that is responsive and respectful for the workers who make our products.

Are these factories any certified?

Affirmative. They have bluesign and WRAP certifocation.


What are the conditions that need to be fulfilled to get the certification?

The requirements to fulfill social compliance usually are: no child labor, no forced labor, heath and safety, freedom of associations and collective bargain, opposed to discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, salary, management systems

How often you visit the factories to make sure the production process is going well?

Usually once every month during peak season.

Are you also in charge of checking the good working conditions and safety of factory employees? How does it look like in this sphere?

I am not in the position to look after such conditions as they seem far beyond my control. However, I assure all our supply chain are committed to fulfill social compliance and are certified by third party agent. I don't partner with assholes, so no worry at all. lol

According to your point of view, can Horsefeathers customers who do care about the good and safe working conditions of the people who made their clothes be satisfied?

Yes, as I have answered above.


Thank you for your time, Franky. Wish you all the best :)

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