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#StayHome with Maxim Habanec

18/4/2020 | Sara

S: Hello Max, a few weeks of surviving the Coronavirus is behind us, but I guess a few more weeks are ahead. What is your opinion about the situation?

Maxim: I have two opinions. I understand that we have to be careful because of older people and neighbourhood, but I am not really scared for myself and trying to have every day as usual. I go skating, to train, my schedule is pretty busy, to be honest. It is essential for me to have a plan for days and be happy about what I do. I am sick of being scared and rest only.

S: Who is surviving the quarantine with you and what you cannot be missing every day?

Maxim: I am surviving with my girlfriend. And I am lucky enough that most of the activities I do, I can still do for 100%. I can do sport, skate and I can be getting ready for the world to become “normal”. What we miss is that we can't go to eat outside, go to movies or see friends. I also miss my family, but I don't want to endanger them since my brothers have small kids and my grandparents are in the risk group.

Maxim Habanec - @maximhabanec during quarantine

S: That's smart of you. Even you go skating outside, what webpage or videos are the best to watch and learn new tricks for you?

Maxim: My most favorite webpage to watch is Thrasher. Otherwise, the Czech videos, such as Praha or Black Rabbit, were always best for getting inspiration and learning new tricks. If you didn't see them, I recommend you to watch them.

S: Have you tried any tricks inside of your house? If yes, which ones?

Maxim: Nope, luckily I have my own “Maxspace”, so I don't have to try anything at home.

S: Lucky you! What would you recommend to do at home, so those who skate are not gonna stay stuck without movement and training?

Maxim: At the moment, skateparks were re-open again, and as individuals, we don't even have to wear the face-cover (note: valid in the Czech Republic). I never saw more people in the skatepark as now. So what I recommend is to do what a person loves to do.

S: That is very true, for example, me as a swimmer, can't train where I need to haha, so for you skaters it is win-win. You have your own collection Skate & Create. Tell us your three favorite pieces from the entire Horsefeathers Spring/Summer 2020 collection?

Maxim: I got really in love with the Macks Max pants from my collection. These pants are ideal for skateboarding. A bit wider as before a stretched enough. Then I like all basic t-shirts, they have a great cut and material. A third, it is the Perch Max jacket overhead from my collection. I enjoy that blue color so much.

As for everyone, in the end, I prepared a few quick questions also for you:

The best skate movie/video ever? 

Zero - New Blood

Your favorite skater? 

Paul Rodriguez - @prod

The most favorite Instagram profile to follow?

Nyjah Huston - @nyjah

Music, that always cheers you up?

Travis Scott

The most favorite series?

True Detective (first series)

Salty or sweets snacks?


Cook at home or eat outside?


S: In the end, do you have any notes or a few warming words for our fans?

Maxim: I hope we are gonna see each other pretty soon at the skate events :-)

As always, thank you, Maxim, for your time and talk! If you go out and skate, run, cycle, or will do any other outside activity, don't forget to think about yourself but others too. Otherwise, have a nice upcoming week and... stay safe!


